
Calculator your Calories to lose fat and/or build muscle with the Looksmax Aesthetics calorie calculator. Whether you’re looking to burn fat or build muscle, this calorie calculator tool from Looksmax Aesthetics will help you accomplish your goals in 2019 and beyond!

As bodybuilding becomes gains popularity, calorie calculators are used by more men and women every day looking to accomplish their fitness goals. Using a calorie calculator will let you know how much food you should be eating in order to reach your weight loss goals or in order to build the muscle you desire. Exercising and hitting the gym play a huge role in accomplishing our fitness goals, however our nutrition is also extremely important. Intense workout sessions at the gym are no substitute for proper caloric intake, which is what today’s focus is on.

Weight loss will not be achieved if you are consuming too many calories. Likewise, building muscle and making gains is not going to happen if you are not eating enough calories. Macro nutrients like proteins, fats, and carbs play a part as well, but for now we are focusing on overall calories. If it fits your macros a.k.a. IIFYM has been used by many to reach their goals of weight loss and/or building muscle. This way of eating allows people to eat the foods they want to as long as there calories are reached every day and their macro-nutrients are on point. 1Percentedge.com which is no longer available was the top IIFYM calculator available online for intermittent fasting, weight loss, weight gain, and building muscle for years, but is sadly no longer available.

Whether you choose to do intermittent fasting, calorie control or bloat maxing, You can and will accomplish all of your fitness goals in 2019 if you give it your all, and I believe in you. #looksmaxaesthetics